An old picture, but I really like it and until I figure out how to get more than one on here...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

There for decades, gone in minutes...

Ugh...I don't even know how to begin. Life has been such a roller coaster since our car broke down 9 weeks ago. We have dealt with sleezy body shop people, lies, and stress over borrowing countless cars. Through a few other stressful money issues, we have been asking God, "What is that you are trying to show us?!" We still don't know what he is trying to tell us, other than the fact that He is there, He loves us, and He is in control.

I have learned that I need to take deep breaths and remember that no matter how frustrated or upset I may be, I have a lot of people looking at me to see how I react to all this. So, being under a microscope, I have been able to put on a happy face at least 75% of the time, thank goodness. Yes, I have had a few "breakdowns", but I know that we will see the other side of this. Maybe not tomorrow or the next day, but in God's perfect timing, we will.

In the light of all our troubles at home, we witnessed a horrible occurrence last night. Just a normal Prayer Meeting and Patch the Pirate Club meeting, right? Wrong. We made it through our hour of singing, character lessons, Bible verse learning, and skit practicing, all the while hearing a strange thud on the ceiling every 5 minutes or so. We are in the basement beneath the sanctuary and the adults prayer meeting is held upstairs about 50 feet away. So, we heard the loud bangs, but couldn't figure out who could possibly be up there! We knew that the youth group was next door, so it wasn't them... Sadly enough, we joked up the roof falling in because there has been so much of it around CNY in the last few weeks. Not funny.

At 8pm, I left Jeff to wait with the kids for their parents, and I went across the hall to get Audree in her jammies in the nursery. I chatted with the nursery worker about how much she is talking, blah, blah, blah... As I was having a conversation with Audree, I heard a little commotion in the hallway, and then my pastor and Jeff burst into the nursery yelling that we needed to get out of the basement, NOW.

I started to panic a little, but thankfully quickly grabbed Audree and the diaper bag and dashed out. Her pajama top sitting on the changing table, and her wet cloth diaper sitting in a bag in the sink. I didn't have my coat or Audree's, and I had no idea where Alex was.

Thankfully, as we were running down the hall, an older lady assured us that Alex was all ready outside and my pastor grabbed our coats out of the other room. By the time we got outside, I still had no idea what was going on. Fire? A terrorist attack? I can be pretty dramatic, you know...

Nope, those sounds we heard? They were large chunks of ceiling falling and thudding against the sanctuary floor. I guess they noticed a crack in the ceiling a couple of days ago and were actually trying to decide how to handle it. I still wish someone had let us know what they were discussing because we might have realized what the noise was and not listened to it for 45 minutes!

So, we stood in the parking lot as the fire department came, the men flashed lights up on the roof trying to see anything, and those left of us, stood in a circle and prayed. Honestly, I didn't think it would go down. Audree was getting tired and it was a school night. So, slowly, most of the families trickled out, and while we were driving home, I got the phone call from a friend who lives close to the church, the roof had caved in. About twenty minutes after we got out, it was gone.

I felt a lot of mixed emotions. The roof was gone? How bad was it? Did we almost die? Needless to say,  I did not get a lot of sleep last night. Dreamed over and over again about running out of the church, trying to find the kids, it was ugly.

Then I is just a building. All 40 people who were there last night, including about two dozen teens, children, and toddlers, are all safe. Not one scratch. Is it scary to think about being trapped in the basement? Yes, but we aren't. I am home, sitting on my computer blogging my feelings and fears.

The insurance is covering everything. We will rebuild. Until then, we have the old building across the parking lot to worship in. I praise the Lord for his grace and I know that our children will be talking about this horrific night for years to come.

Here is the extent of the damage. The force of the collapse blew the side of the church off. 

See that bottom right window? That's where the Patch kids and I were.  *Shudder*
The babies were across the hall on the far side of the church. 

 This is what was happening this afternoon. The entire sanctuary and everything underneath was a complete loss. I am still praying that we will be able to use the back part of the building for nursery and Patch and Sunday schools. 

 A song that has been playing a lot in our house lately is "Praise you in this Storm" by Casting Crowns. God has a plan, and until then, it will rain, and we will praise Him. 

 Psalm 89:2, 8
I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself... O LORD God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O LORD, and your faithfulness surrounds you.

Casting Crowns Praise You In The Storm

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Birthday thrifting!

I turned 26 last week. Why is that such a scary number? I was totally okay turning 25, but then when 26 hit me it was like...wait...I am still young? I know I am, but as my adoring employer told me, "You've entered the 2nd quarter!" I mean, great...I guess if I live til 100, I should be happy, right? Something about being 26... Anyways, on to bigger and better things!

My friend Meagan and I were able to go to TWO 2nd hand stores on my birthday! I was very excited because I usually work Wednesdays, and on Wednesdays, the Salvation Army has 3 color tags 1/2 off! To make it even better, I had coupons to get $7 off on a purchase of $25! So yes, I had a blast. I was able to find a lot of things for Audree for the summer, only to come home and realize she all ready has a bigger summer wardrobe than any of us. I have been picking up 2T things here and there for at least a year now!

Here is almost all of my loot! 

After the Salvation Army, we went over to the Thrifty Shopper where we had a coupon to get 50% off our entire purchase! That is where I found my best deal of the day. Well, two best deals, I guess. I found a David's Bridal flower girl dress in absolutely PERFECT condition for $2! I also found a pair of excellent condition Stride Rite shoes for $1! So, because Audree wears a wide shoe and these were just regular width, I am going to sell the shoes. I am also thinking about selling the dress because even though it would make a beautiful Christmas dress, I think I can probably sell it for $20 or so and be able to keep justifying thrifting!

So, I was able to get all of that, plus a couple things for Alex, two T-shirts for Jeff, and a gymboree bathing suit that was downstairs drying all for $33! If I counted correctly, that was 35 items. The gymboree and Children's Place items that I found are worth at least twice that if not more! Or to put it in better perspective, that's what the Stride Rite shoes would have cost!

Here is Audree modeling a few things for me. Including Alex's hat...

My wonderful husband and son got me a new medicine ball which Audree is going to give herself a hernia carrying around... A gift card to get my nails done some day at this really nice salon, and iTunes gift card and some candy! We had a wonderful breakfast and also got to go out to Panera for dinner, my favorite restaurant. 

Audree's first signature!

Wegmans Ultimate White Cake, YUM 

Jeff's Birthday cake. Just because it's so cool and I haven't been able to brag about it yet! It is an icecream cake covered entirely in cut up ho hos! :) 
Here is to another year... 
One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. 
Psalm 27:4 KJV

Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy Happy Birthday Bethany!

So, my very first blog post. I have had this blog made for at least 6 months now, but I just never got around to adding anything. Strange....I love talking, I love writing, and I love sharing things that are going on in my life. I have BLOG written all over me! :) 

Then I tried to think, am I going to have it themed around something? Should I spend 40+ finding deals and coupons and sales and then sharing them with the world? Nah... Should I drone endlessly about every little thing that is happening in my life? I could, it's my blog after all! Facebook is wonderful, and I am probably, just slightly, addicted to it. But sometimes, I feel bad chatting endlessly about life, because it clogs up people's newsfeeds! So, if you want to hear all the silly things Alex and Audree say, or if you want to hear the drama about my car, come read my blog! If not, I don't care...because this is for ME! Yay for Blogging! 

Bethany, I, Jack and Audree March 2010
Happy Birthday Bethany! 
My sister said recently that she would fall over if I ever actually started my blog. So, with all that is currently going on in my life, I didn't get the Birthday card in the mail. I thought, what better way to say Happy Birthday then to finally start doing this! My sister is the best friend I could ask for. I miss her and wish we lived closer!
Hopefully, I will get the hang of this and at least have weekly posts.